
2022-23 was a year filled less with Covid and more with forward planning. All pandemic restrictions were finally lifted in early 2023 just as we were planning this annual report. Was life back to normal and was it business as usual? It would be naive to think that as if the Covid years could simply vanish.

Challenging though they were, the space and time they afforded us at AFTEC to review and rethink made us further aware of the importance of the arts, not just in terms of wellbeing but more crucially in having the tools & skills to be well.

This report reminds us of the C words, in particular Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Contribution. In the following segments, you will hear from inter-generational stakeholders — and see some of them — as they reflect on their time and journeys with us. As always, thank you for reading about AFTEC and supporting us. We could not have sailed through without you! I hope you will enjoy this!

Lynn Yau